1.Nonetheless, a significant portion of the finance boom also seems to have been unrelated to economic performance and thus unsustainable.
2.This began as a patient driven movement, true, but CCSVI is now well accepted in a significant portion of the mainstream medical community.
3.That switch introduces a new set of buyers that are capable of soaking up a significant portion of the world's annual gold production.
4.China's government, which owns majority stakes in almost all domestic banks, will soak up a significant portion of that.
5.And a significant portion of the territory that constitutes the United States today used Spanish for centuries.
6.She said a "significant portion" of their discussions focused on the political unrest in Libya.
7.Among the three, the administrative and management cost component accounts for a significant portion of the overall ongoing cost.
8.If you guessed, "unleash a hard-kill pandemic that takes out a significant portion of the weak or sick people" then you guessed right.
9.The cost of a computer during the first, second, and part of the third generations represented a significant portion of a company's budget.
10.If you Google the word "single" , the common theme among a significant portion of the results is dating.